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48th International Colloquium of GFP

25 novembre 2019 - 8h00 - 29 novembre 2019 - 17h00


Dear all,

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the French Polymer Society, we are pleased to invite you to Mulhouse, France, to attend the 48th International Colloquium of GFP, Monday – Friday, 25th November – 29th November 2019.

We expect between 150 and 180 attendees from a wide range of backgrounds and countries, and from universities, research centers or industry, to report on the most recent advances in domains linked to polymers (synthesis, characterization, processing, properties, applications). Five major topics will be specifically addressed during this meeting : Polymers and light, Polymer interfaces and (nano)composites, Macromolecular and supramolecular engineering, Polymers and sustainable development, Polymer materials : from structure to properties.

You are invited to submit abstracts online at where instructions for authors can be found. Authors will be informed about the acceptance of their contributions in October 4th 2019,

On the behalf of the Organization Committee

Sincerely yours,

Vincent Roucoules


Pour en savoir plus


Début :
25 novembre 2019 - 8h00
Fin :
29 novembre 2019 - 17h00


Centre de conférences Kinépolis
75 avenue Robert Schumann
Mulhouse, France
+ Google Map