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AFM or Near Field Microscopy

The AFM platform characterises materials and nanostructures at the nanoscale and atomic scale by imaging.



Airoudj Aissam
Contacts : ou


Areas of activity :

The AFM (Near Field Microscopy) platform is dedicated to the imaging and characterisation of materials and nanostructures at the nanoscale. Near-field microscopy responds to the growing need for IS2M’s various research areas to add a 3-dimensional observation tool. In this way, it complements other conventional microscopy techniques to monitor their technology on an ever smaller scale.

In addition, it provides the opportunity to characterise at physical (electrical, mechanical, magnetic …) and chemical behaviour of new materials or components at the nanoscale.

Main equipment (strengths of the Institute) :

IS2M’s near-field microscopy platform is equipped with :

  • 3 atomic force microscopes (AFM) :
    • NanoScope IV
    • NanoScope V
    • FlexAFM
  • 1 Tunnel Effect Microscope

The four AFM sets are complementary : they cover a wide range of sample sizes and access various environmental conditions (neutral gas, controlled humidity, liquid medium, variable temperature from -40°C to 350°C). Two of the systems also make it possible to work in STM.

Technical description

Atomic Force Microscope FlexAFM


Location rue J. Starcky
Piezoelectric scanner Pb (Ti, Zr) O3 (PZT).
X/Y/Z scanning range 100μm x 100μm x 10μm.
Detector 4 quadrant photodiodes.
Resolution atomic resolution and z resolution of the order of the nm fraction
Operating mode contact mode : surface morphology, friction force, adhesion force, force modulation, nano-lithography,…
resonant modes : tapping mode, phase contrast, KPFM, EFM, MFM…
Sample preparation studies can be carried out on all types of samples (metals, polymer, absorbed molecules … samples in the form of parts, films, fibres, powders…
Workplace air, controlled atmosphere, liquid medium, work in glove box
Accessories liquid cell, sample holder/under stretch, hot plate
Self-service accessibility yes for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples and after training by the technical manager

Contact people :     Aissam Airoudj, Philippe Kunemann

NanoScope IV Atomic Force Microscope


Location rue J. Starcky
Piezoelectric scanner 2 types of scanner

10678JVHC Scanner/X/Y/Z Scanning Range : 178μm x 178μm x 5μm
10405EVLR Scanner/X/Y/Z Scanning Range : 14μm x 14μm x 3μm

Detector 4 quadrant photodiodes.
Resolution atomic resolution and z resolution of the order of the nm fraction
Operating mode contact mode : surface morphology, friction force, adhesion force, force modulation
resonant modes : tapping mode, phase contrast, KPFM, EFM, MFM…
Peak-Force Mode QNM (Quantitative Nanomechanical Property Mapping)
Sample preparation studies can be carried out on all types of samples (metals, polymer, absorbed molecules … samples in the form of parts, films, fibres, powders…
Sample preparation constraint maximum size 1.5cm x 1.2cm, thickness < 6 mm.
Workplace air, liquid medium, controlled atmosphere
Accessories STM head, temperature controller, magnetic controller, liquid cell, temperature cell
Self-service accessibility yes for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples and after training by the technical manager

Contact people : Aissam Airoudj, Philippe Kunemann

NanoScope V Atomic Force Microscope


Location 3 bis, rue Alfred Werner
Piezoelectric scanner 5161EVLR
X/Y/Z scanning range 140μm x 140μm x 3μm.
Detector 4 quadrant photodiodes.
Resolution atomic resolution and z resolution of the order of the nm fraction
Operating mode contact mode : surface morphology, friction force, adhesion force, force modulation
resonant modes : tapping mode, phase contrast, magnetic and electrostatic forces
Sample preparation studies can be carried out on all types of samples (metals, polymer, absorbed molecules … samples in the form of parts, films, fibres, powders…
Sample preparation constraint maximum size 1.5cm x 1.2cm, thickness < 6 mm.
Workplace air, liquid medium, controlled atmosphere
Accessories STM head, liquid STM, magnetic controller, liquid cell.
Self-service accessibility yes for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples and after training by the technical manager

Contact person :     aissam airoudj