Accueil » Mechanical, Thermomechanical and Rheological Analyses (MTRA)

Mechanical, Thermomechanical and Rheological Analyses (MTRA)

The MTRA platform characterises mechanical performances (elasticity, rigidity, damping …) and determines the thermal properties of all types of materials.



Schrodj Gautier
Contact :
Nouali Habiba
Contact :


Areas of activity :

The activities of the platform focus on the structural characterisation of all types of solid materials by X-ray diffraction or diffusion : identification of phases, study of crystallinity or organisation, reflectometry, grazing incidence, structural determination on powder, observation of phase transitions in temperature and controlled atmosphere. In addition, these characterisations can be supplemented by X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry analyses which make it possible to determine the chemical composition of a sample and thus facilitate structural identification.

Main equipment (strengths of the Institute) :

The platform has 3 diffractometers, one thermodiffractometer, one SAXS-WAXS and an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer :

  • 3 powder diffractometers : 2 in reflection geometry with autosampler (Bruker D8 ADVANCE and PANalytical, X’Pert PRO MPD) and 1 in transmission geometry (STOE Stadi-P and Bruker D8 ADVANCE)
  • 1 thermodiffractometer (PANalytical, X’Pert PRO MPD) equipped with a temperature chamber (Anton Paar HTK1200)
  • 1 x SAXS-WAXS small angle X-ray diffusion unit (Rigaku SMax 3000)
  • 1 Wavelength Dispersion X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (PANalytical, Zetium)

Technical description

LHOMARGY Dynamometer - DY 34

Type of tests : traction, compression, 180° peeling, tearing, interlaminar shear, twisting, tack Units of strength : 10N, 100N, 1kN, 10kN Transverse speeds : from 0.01mm/min to 1000mm/min Accessory : clip-on extensometer Self-service accessibility for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples after training by the technical manager

Contact : Gautier Schrodj

Zwick INSTRON 4505 Dynamometer modernised in 2011

Type of tests : traction, compression, peeling at 90° and 180°, tearing, shearing. Cells of force : 10N, 100N, 1kN, 100kN Transverse speeds : from 0.01mm/min to 1000mm/min Accessories : ZWICK 2-axis video extensometer Temperature chamber (-150°C to 200°C) Self-service accessibility for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples after training by the Technical Manager

Contact : Gautier Schrodj

METRAVIB VA 4000 Viscoanalyser

Determination of viscoelastic properties (real modulus, imaginary modulus, loss factor), dynamic viscosity.
Master curves based on frequency (time) / temperature equivalence.
Stress in tension, compression, shear, free 3-point bending.
Analysis of all types of samples : films, fibres, bars, foams, gels except powders and low viscosity fluids.
Range of measurable modules : 1000 Pa at 3 GPa.
Frequency range : 1mHz to 1kHz.
Temperature range : -150°C to +450°C.
Accessories : Static force 20N and 150N sensors for creep, relaxation and dilatometry tests.
Self-service accessibility for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples and after training by the technical manager

Contact : Gautier Schrodj


METTLER DMA861 Viscoanalyser

Determination of viscoelastic properties (real modulus, imaginary modulus, loss factor).
Master curves based on frequency (time) / temperature equivalence.
Stress in tension, compression, shear, built-in 3-point bending.
Analysis of all types of samples : films, fibres, bars, foams, gels except powders and low viscosity fluids.
Range of measurable stiffness : 10 N/m to 108 N/m.
Frequency range : 1mHz to 1kHz.
Temperature range : -150°C to +500°C.
Self-service accessibility for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples and after training by the technical manager

Contact :     Gautier Schrodj

Differential scanning calorimeters METTLER - TOLEDO DSC 1 and DSC 822e

Determination of thermal properties (fusion, crystallisation, glass transition, cross-linking, etc.)
Temperature range : -150°C to +700°C.
Analysis gas : nitrogen (possibility of using helium)
Options : Determination of the heat capacity Cp (method by comparison with Saphir standard)
Modulated DSC
Sample changer
Crucibles : Al 40μl, Al 100μl and high pressure 30μl
Self-service accessibility for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples and after training by the technical manager

Contact : Gautier Schrodj


Thermogravimetrics METTLER - TOLEDO TGA / DSC 3+

Study of the evolution of the mass of a sample as a function of temperature (degradation, oxidation, etc.) Temperature range : +25°C to +1600°C. Analysis gas : nitrogen, air, oxygen (possibility of using other bottled gases)
Accessory : Interface for TGA under controlled humidity
Crucibles : Aluminium oxide 70μl, 150μl and 900μl Self-service accessibility for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples and after training by the technical manager Contact :     Gautier Schrodj

Thermogravimetrics METTLER - TOLEDO TGA / DSC1 LF1100

Study of the evolution of the mass of a sample as a function of temperature (degradation, oxidation, etc.)
Temperature range : +25°C to 1000°C.
Analysis gas : nitrogen, air, oxygen (possibility of using other bottled gases)
Crucibles : Aluminium oxide 70μl, 150μl and 900μl
Measurement of the DSC signal associated with changes in the mass

Self-service accessibility for permanent and PhD students with a large number of samples and after training by the technical manager

Contact :     Habiba Nouali