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ANR projects


Coordinator : J. F. Dayen

Scientific leader IS2M : L. Simon


MIXES is a collaborative research project that explores the fundamental structural and electronic properties of novel 2D-0D nanomaterial, made of 2D materials in interaction with self-ordered nanoclusters grown using dry methods compatible with microelectronics industry processes. First results show that these nanomaterials, once implemented into tunnel junctions, demonstrate robust Coulomb blockade oscillations and magneto-Coulomb properties, preserved on device being 6 orders of magnitude larger than usual single-electron devices. These results have raised questions regarding the underlying fundamental physics that are addressed by this project. In particular, we will address the following fundamental questions : i) What is the chemical/structural/electronic nature of the 2D/0D interface ? How are the local/extended structural and electronic properties of 2D/0D nanomaterials influenced by the nature of the 2D/0D interface, when it varies from van der Waals type to covalently bound ? (ii) What is the key mechanism behind many dissimilar nanoclusters apparently behaving as single or identical entities in the 2D-0D nanomaterial ? How can it be mastered for simple and large-scale processing of a single electron device ? iii) Can it be extended to other 2D materials such as dichalcogenic transition metals ? iv) How can these properties be used to create new single electron multifunctional devices ? We follow an interdisciplinary approach covering ab-initio modelling, surface science, structural analysis, nanofabrication and transport measurements. We keep as final goal to use these new knowledges to build novel architecture of multifunctional single-electron electronics and spintronics devices, operating up to room temperature.



Optical Engineering of Chemo-responsive Multiplex Materials

Coordinator :Jean-Luc Fillaut

Scientific leader IS2M : Jean-Pierre Malval


This project is devoted to the engineering of sub-micrometer structured polymer materials dedicated to luminescent multi-purpose chemical sensing.

Our approach is based on the two-photon assisted fabrication and post-functionalization of 3D polymer materials for implementing molecular luminescent reporters and probes.



3D-ODS: All organic photoactive liquid crystalline materials for 3D optical data storage

Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Jean-Pierre Malval





Dynamic Sensor for Nano Biomarker

Coordinator :   Marc Frouin

Scientific leader IS2M : Olivier Soppera


Heart failure (HF) is a major public health problem affecting 23 million people worldwide. Most of patients must be frequently monitored.
DYNABIO final target is a medical portable monitoring device able to ensure a continuous monitoring of the main HF biomarkers by using non-invasive biocompatible nanosensors. The device would allow the continuous monitoring of unstable patients without request to have frequent blood samples sent to analysis robots. It will combine the practical use of a telemedicine monitoring tool capable to copilot the patient health dynamically with the accurate measurement of main HF biomarkers from the sensors sampling in subcutaneous fluids or micro vascularized blood samples.




Reactivable photo-polymers for 3D additive fabrication

Coordinator : Jean-Louis Clément

Scientific leader IS2M : Arnaud Spangenberg


3D Printing has significantly lowered the barrier-of-entry in terms of cost, time and accessibility to micro-fabricated intricate shapes and sophisticated devices, in various fundamental research domains. 3D printers can manufacture objects with sizes ranging from few microns with two-photon stereolithography (TPS) to centimeter. In the field of microfluidics, the more “user-friendly” implementation and the easiness of 3D printing of complex structures digitally designed (3D CAD) compete the robust but heavy implementation of soft lithography. 3D printing allows direct and rapid fabrication of microfluidic chips. Among all 3D printing technologies, 3D printings based on stereolithography have attracted particular attention since sub-100 µm internal channel diameter has recently been demonstrated.

In this context, polymers are strategic materials. However, the main limitation relies on the fact that the properties of the chosen monomer impose the surface chemistry of the envisioned object. At technological level, substantial efforts have been devoted to improving writing devices (writing resolution and speed). However, little attention has been given to increasing the chemical diversity or surface functionalization of the written scaffolds. Today, it is not yet possible to modify the surface chemistry in a simple way from 3D printers other than robust but heavy and/or cumbersome post physical or chemical treatments. So mechanically compliant and chemically functionalized surfaces (polarity, texturing, biocompatibility, etc…) are still untenable. Moreover, it is a hard puzzle to solve when surface modifications are to be done at located place (patterning).

3D-CustomSurf project aims at developing new photo-initiator with advanced properties and new methodologies in additive manufacturing techniques 3DP-UV (mm to cm scale) and TPS (µm scale). Our strategy is grounded on the use of photoReversible-Deactivation Radical Polymerization (photo-RDRP) techniques adapted to the specific conditions of 3D manufacturing by photo-polymerization applied to microfluidics field where this will be an asset when specific patterning is needed. Indeed, surface modification of internal channels of a microfluidic device is still limited by multi-steps process.

Our strategy is grounded on i) the design and synthesis of unique photo-sensitive alkoxyamines containing specific chromophores for both 3DP-UV and TPS and the initiating moiety ii) a careful examination of their photo-physical and chemical properties iii) a thorough investigations of their efficiencies for first and re-polymerization (living polymerization) under laser writing (3DP-UV, TPS) iv) methodological investigations for first polymerization (3DP-UV) followed by inner surface functionalization (chemical and patterning) by TPS on simple prototypes (tubes) v) the fabrication of a microfluidic device with customized inner surface channels for double emulsion preparation.

Coupling laser writing with RDRP methodologies is a novel approach which has been poorly investigated notably in the field of TPS where no work has been reported with a such combination. Novelty and especially lack of thorough investigations about chemical and physical phenomena involved during the 3D fabrication process explain the absence of such approach in 3D laser printing area. Our strategy is expected to be a breakthrough in this field since .NMP2 coupled with 3D PrintingDLW allow to consider the object on the one hand and its surface modification (chemistry and structuration) on the other hand in a protocol of great simplicity. Our strategy is expected to be a breakthrough in this field.


Conception of bioresorbable self-rolled patchs for the local treatment of inflammation induced in the colon after irradiation

Coordinator : Noëlle Mathieu

Scientific leader IS2M : Karine Anselme


Pelvic cancers are among the most frequently diagnosed cancers worldwide. Radiotherapy (RT) plays a growing place in the management of malignant pelvic diseases. Even though great advances have been made in RT delivery techniques, radiation exposure of significant volumes of normal bowel persists, impacting on the patient’s quality of life post-treatment. Cancer incidence increases and mortality have been reduced during the past several decades, and the number of cancer survivors has almost tripled during the same period. With an increasing cohort of cancer survivors, efforts to manage the adverse effects of RT have to be intensified. Current therapies are merely palliative. Several drugs have been investigated to prevent the pelvic radiation disease (PRD), amifostine, derivative of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), analog of prostaglandin, sucralfate and glucocorticoids but no curative treatment exists. Moreover, these pharmacologic molecules could induce adverse effects especially when they are delivered systemically with a prolonged use. We also demonstrated that cell therapy using mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) gave encouraging results in animal models (rats and pigs), and could be a new perspective to induce regeneration of the colon.

Today, no medical device exists for the treatment of the colon despite the number of various colonic pathologies as inflammatory diseases. Few studies demonstrated poor results with hydrogel delivered by enema. The objective of OPENN is to develop an innovative medical device dedicated to the colon that could be easily implanted by surgeons using colonoscopy. This new medical device will be designed with self-rolling bilayer polymer films loaded with anti-inflammatory drugs or MSC. In situ, the self-rolled bilayer tube will unfold, selectively attach to the damaged area and release anti-inflammatory drugs or bioactive molecules produced by MSCs by directed diffusion toward the inflamed mucosa. The therapeutic benefit of this new patch will be tested in vivo in rat model developing colonic damages similar to those induced in patients suffering from severe side effects after radiotherapy.

OPENN project will be organized in Workpackages to develop self-rolled tubes with polymers (WP2), load the self-rolled tubes with anti-inflammatory molecules and analyse their release (WP3), develop the cellularized self-rolled tubes and control the cell viability (WP4), and test in rats model relevant to the human pathology induced after RT treatment, the therapeutic benefit of the devices on the structure and the function of the colon (WP5).

The OPENN project will have an impact in development and transfer of knowledge in the field of biomaterials and innovative implantable medical devices to reinforce the French position in this field. The potential of this project for commercialization is significant since systemic anti-inflammatory treatments used for chronic diseases induce numerous adverse effects. Moreover, the use of self-rolled patch loaded with MSCs is very innovative and will provide a new concept in regenerative medicine. The consortium of the OPENN project rallied skills of physicists, chemists and biologists towards a translational research problem dedicated to public health issue.

PNANOBot: Nanorobotics by 4D printing: tethered robots by using two-photon stereolithography

Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Arnaud Spangenberg


Based on the growing need for micro-nanorobots identified in European Strategic Research Agenda 2014-2020, the fabrication and development of nanoscaled devices and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) that use nanomaterials require nanorobotics to achieve precise techniques for positioning, sensing, and assembly with nanometer resolutions. Nanorobotics is facing a huge and exciting challenge : the needs to interact with matter at its most possible localized way and to propose solutions working in confined spaces that are not limited to very dedicated applications.  

To overcome the current limitations on dexterity, compactness, range, and precision, a relevant solution is the fabrication of robotic structures smaller than few millimeters in 3D and capable of accurate dexterous motions (atomic force microscopy, MEMS based robot are typical examples) in confined spaces where non-contact manipulation is not possible. The project PNanoBot aims to investigate the development of nanorobotic structures mounted on the tip of optical fibers and fabricated by using Two-Photon Stereolithography (TPS) process with resists that behave like transducer after photofabrication. The main idea is to design the next generation of tethered nanorobotics by combining complex 3D structures designed with metamaterial part and photo-thermo multi-responsive polymer. The actuation is achieved through the laser beam in the fiber core by controlling simultaneously or successively optical flux and wavelength. PNanoBot aims to acheive a workspace to robot volume ratio better than the state of the art by preserving robotic performances required for nanoscale, namely ten nanometers precision and tens nanometers of repeatability.

DuCaCO2: Development of dual functional catalytic materials for integrated CO2 capture and conversion

Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Simona Bennici


An alternative strategy to CO2 storage, is the so-called carbon capture and utilization (CCU) process, where captured CO2 is utilized as a feedstock and converted catalytically into value-added hydrocarbons, such as methane and methanol. Recently, an integrated CO2 capture and utilization (ICCU) process, by which CO2 is first captured and subsequently converted to a chemical commodity or fuel in a single fixed-bed reactor under isothermal conditions, has attracted a great deal of interest.

The main breakthrough of the DuCaCO2 proposal is to deliver materials for more efficient ICCU processes. This will be accomplished by developing a targeted number of novel nanocomposite DFM catalysts. The strategy for achieving the project goals includes the synthesis of novel materials and the employment of in situ advanced physicochemical characterization and analysis techniques to understand the underlying phenomena which define the performance and stability of the DFM. The interaction between advanced characterization and catalytic testing experiments will stimulate a learning process and will rationally guide all activities aimed at developing a prototype DFM catalyst. Moreover, the project will determine the feasibility of the developed materials in standard ICCU applications, by testing them in a specially developed setup under realistic conditions and relatively long term and use. These data will be used as a feedback for techno-economic assessment of the proposed presses.


POPCORN: Photochemistry and phOtophysics of Plasmons towards fully COntRolled Nanolocalized polymerization

Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Olivier Soppera



LEGO: 2D & 3D Laser-writing of directEd self-orGanized sOl-gel systems :towards robust complex hierarchical metal-oxide nanoarchitectures.

Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Olivier Soppera



NIRTRONIC: Ecriture directe par laser NIR de matériaux à propriétés électroniques à partir d’oxo-clusters de métaux de transition

Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Olivier Soppera


L’émergence des technologies IoT (Internet of Things) a créé de nombreux nouveaux besoins dans le domaine des capteurs pour le suivi de fonctions vitales critiques. La détection en temps réel de signaux biochimiques constitue ainsi une demande importante pour le monitoring de patients malades et aussi de personnes en bonne santé (pour d’établir des bases de données médicales personnalisées). Un enjeu actuel est le développement de dispositifs miniaturisés et portables pour une médecine préventive personnalisée. Les systèmes micro- et nanostructurés sont aussi particulièrement intéressants pour détecter des biomarqueurs à des faibles concentrations. L’augmentation du rapport surface/volume permet en effet d’améliorer la sensibilité et d’abaisser la limite de détection minimale. Aujourd’hui, l’intérêt de ces dispositifs est validé mais ils restent généralement complexes et coûteux.

Le projet NIRTRONIC vise ainsi à développer un nouveau procédé de fabrication, en rupture avec les procédés actuels, de dispositifs électronique miniaturisés qui seront utilisables dans le contexte de monitoring humain. Nous proposons une technologie basée sur des matériaux préparés par voie liquide et une mise en forme par laser proche InfraRouge (NIR) des matériaux fonctionnels micro et nanostructurés. Plus précisément, l’objectif de ce projet est de développer de nouveaux procédés de fabrication de dispositifs électroniques (Transistors, photodétecteurs) à base d’oxyde métallique préparés par écriture directe sol-gel et laser.

La principale innovation repose sur la préparation de microstructures d’oxydes métalliques par irradiation laser infra-rouge. En effet, nous proposons une irradiation laser NIR pour préparer in situ, en une seule étape, à température ambiante, les structures semi-conductrices. Le principal avantage du traitement NIR est que le matériau d’oxyde métallique peut être obtenu à température ambiante, ce qui simplifie grandement le dispositif de fabrication. Cela signifie aussi que les structures peuvent être fabriquées sur tout type de substrats, dont les substrats polymère, fibres optiques, etc….


Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Olivier Soppera



Photovoltaic spatial light modulators for selfactivated dynamic glazing

Coordinator : Dimitri Ivanov

Scientific leader IS2M : Dimitri Ivanov

01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023

Dynamic glazing systems such as electrochromic, photochromic, or thermochromic glass, can improve considerably the energy efficiency of buildings. Their widespread utilization is however still limited by high costs, long payback periods, slow device response times, and lack of operational control. This project focuses on a new type of dynamic glazing system called photovoltaic spatial light modulator (PSLM). A PSLM is based on an optically addressed liquid crystal light modulator using an organic bulk heterojunction as photosensitive layer. PSLMs offer many advantages over existing technologies, but further, intensive research is required to push this concept from its current, successful demonstration of principle status to high technology readiness level. The major goal of this project is to achieve a better understanding of the device operation and to explore methods that are able to boost the PSLM performances and broaden its field of application.


Laser-assisted fabrication of silicone-based patches for transdermal drug release

Coordinator : V. Luchnikov

Scientific leader IS2M : V. Luchnikov (IS2M), T. Vandamme (partnership UNISTRA)

01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023

Silicone-based transdermal drug delivery patches are currently used in a wide range of pharmaceutical applications from hormone therapy to central nervous system related pathologies. However, their production has relatively high technology barrier, impacting their price and limiting their utilization.  We aim to resolve this problem by developing a novel simple and cost-effective approach to the patches fabrication, based on infrared laser irradiation of  polydimethylsiloxane layers.  In previous works (Qi et al 2018, Tomba et al 2019) it was shown that intense irradiation can generate a few microns thick strongly oxidized layer on the surface of the PDMS films, without the films ablation.  Preliminary experiments have shown that these films might serve as the barrier for the diffusion of small molecules in the elastomer matrix.  This opens the way to create patches as the sequence of PDMS layer separated by the laser-oxidized interfaces of different permittivity for the drugs.

The structure of the oxidized layer will be investigated by SEM, AFM, IR and Raman spectroscopy. The transport properties of the  membranes can be varied in continuous manner from semi-permeable to impermeable, via  the application of different intensity and duration of the radiation. The permittivity of the interfaces will be quantified by  the diffusion rate through the interface into liquid receiving media (phosphate buffer) with the use of the Franz cell. The less traditional approaches, such as diffusion in humidity-controlled synthetic skin system (Cai  et al 2012) , and confocal microscopy  measurement of the diffusion profiles of the model drugs (e.g. Rhodamine B) in PDMS receiving layer will be also applied for the characterization of the interface barrier properties.

 Prototypes of the patches of different architectures will be tested.  In the monolayer patches, the single PDMS layer, topped by an impermeable strongly oxidized film, will serve silultaneously the adhesive layer, the drug reservoir, and the mechanical support. In more complicated architectures, these functions will be assigned to different consequtive layers.   The adhesive layer and the drug reservoir layer will be separated by  semi-permeable interface, and the drug reservoir layer will be topped by the impermeable interface. The pressure-sensitive adhesion will be provided by low degree of crosslinking of the corresponding layer. 

At the advanced stage of the project, we  will work with real drugs models. Similar drugs than the ones used in the marketed transdermal drug delivery devices will be used. Two different model drugs such as scopolamine and oestradiol will be used. The determination of the release profiles will be explored with the use of the Franz cells, and the syntetic skin system (Cai et al. 2012). A dissolution bath apparatus 2 with mini vessels will be also used to perform the release test for patches. The patches will be fixed in the baskets and placed at the bottom of the vessel in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer. The concentration of the model drugs in the solution will be measured using isocratic reversed phase liquid HPLC. The fraction of drug release will be calculated from the total amount of drug in the patch. To analyze the active ingredients and to see if they are degraded by the irradiation, we shall make an assay by a double mass liquid chromatography (HPLC MS/MS). This will measure the active ingredient and any impurities (degradation products).

In vivo tests will be performed on nude rats (without hair). These tests will be carried out in the animal clinics of the University of Strasbourg and in particular at the laboratory animal house of the Faculty of Pharmacy. The in vivo tests will be performed after writing a referral that has been validated by the regulatory authorities.


Aminocoatings for improving implants’ tissue integration: understanding underlying biological mechanisms

Coordinator : Dr Karine ANSELME (France) and Pr Barbara NEBE (Rostock University Medical Center, Germany)

Scientific leader IS2M : Dr Karine ANSELME

01/01/2021 – 31/12/2023

Aminocoatings for improving implants’ tissue integration : understanding underlying biological mechanisms

Aging of people in developed countries will further increase bone deficiencies due to pathologies such as osteoporosis. Therefore, the need of bioactive implants with the capacity to integrate inside osteoporotic bone will raise significantly. Surface chemistry and surface topography modifications have been shown to improve bone implants tissue integration. In a recent common work using model microfabricated surfaces, we demonstrated impressively the predominance of chemistry versus topography in influencing human bone cell response. Amine functionalization of geometrically grooved titanium-coated silicon substrates with plasma polymerized allylamine was able to abrogate the cell contact guidance along the microgrooves.

This was the first demonstration of the possibility to overcome a strong topographical signal by changing the surface chemistry.

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this effect : (a) the high electrostatic interactions that must occur between a negatively-charged cell membrane and the positively-charged amino residues ; (b) the increased adsorption of cell-adhesive proteins from the serum with more efficient conformation for interaction with integrin receptors ; (c) the capacity of polyamines residues released in culture medium to promote cell protrusion formation.

However, this original result obtained by our two groups with allylamine plasma polymer coatings needs now to be analysed more deeply to determine the role of physico-chemical surface properties and the biological mechanisms involved.  

With the objective of determining the role of surface and/or volume density of amino groups in this cell response, we propose to develop controlled amino-rich nano-layers using three different techniques allowing increasing levels of control of chemical composition : (a) plasma polymerization, (b) covalent grafting of polymer-based amino-rich nano-coatings with varying content in amino groups, and (c) self-assembled monolayers with amino terminal groups.

On these perfectly characterized amino-rich organic surfaces, we will explore in depth what proteins adsorb from the serum, in which quantity and how they are conformed.

To verify the abrogation potential of these different surfaces in relationship with the density and organization of amino groups, the morphology of human bone cells will be evaluated in living and fixed cells on coated grooved substrates. The organization and dynamics of cytoskeleton and focal adhesions will be quantified to implement an in silico cell model and determine the adhesion force and mechanical properties of cells depending of the amino-rich nano-layers. Further, to go deeper into the analysis of the cellular mechanisms involved in cell response, both the signalling and the gene expression of the cells will be analysed.

Finally, the understanding of the mechanism of action of these amino-rich nano-layers shall bring basic knowledge essential for improving bioactive implants for deficient aged bone.


Coordinator : Véronique Bardinal

Scientific leader IS2M : Olivier Soppera

01/3/2021 – 31/8/2024

3D-BEAM-FLEX aims at developing a new method for coupling single-mode VCSEL arrays to single-mode optical fibers in order to improve VCSEL integration in high speed optical interconnects (datacom/telecom) and in miniaturized sensors. This method is based on the self-writing of a self-aligned and flexible waveguide via two photopolymerization steps, in the NIR and in the UV. Thanks to the overcoming of fundamental barriers (understanding of photochemical mechanisms, development of formulations sensitive at 0.8, 1.31 and 1.55μm, gradient index analysis, waveguide design) and of applied ones (demonstration of an efficient single-mode optical link, 90° beam redirection, multichannel fabrication) and to the association with 3D additive manufacturing techniques, we will demonstrate that this approach, simple and applicable at a post-processing stage, leads to an optimal coupling while relaxing the stringent tolerances on devices alignment.


NOPEROX : Peroxide-Free (Photo)Initiating Systems

During the last decade, photopolymerization has witnessed intense research efforts due to the constant growth of industrial applications associated with the synthesis of new photoinitiators and monomers. However, this technique is limited to the polymerization of thin films. On the opposite, redox initiating systems (2-Cartridges) can efficiently initiate the polymerization of thick films but their sensitivity to oxygen and their instability/toxicity adversely affect their potential use. Very recently, the consortium involved in this project has proposed a new chemical mechanism called MABLI (for Metal Acetylacetonates – Bidentate Ligand Interaction) – in full agreement with this submission in Domaine 2-axe 3. In this approach, new redox initiating systems based on metal complexes comprising a remarkably stable oxidizing agent are capable to liberate an acac radical by ligand exchange while changing its oxidation degree. The development of high-performance amine-free and peroxide-free redox initiating systems is now possible through the new proposed MABLI process that can overcome the current issues of both redox and photochemical systems. Pure organic peroxide-free systems will also be proposed. The possibility to activate these systems by light can also be expected (redox photoactivated polymerization). On the basis of these preliminary results, we propose to investigate and shed some light on : i) the structure/reactivity relationships for the new proposed MABLI redox initiating systems and their efficiency in polymerization (conversion, curing rate, range of monomers) ; ii) the possible light activation of the MABLI process for a unique access to dual cure systems (through photochemical and redox modes), iii) the development of pure-organic peroxide-free and metal-free approaches and iv) applicability of these proposed redox photoactivated systems for biosourced monomers (Task 3) and on an industrial scale (Task 4). Altogether, the new proposed initiation approaches for radical polymerization is potentially a way to outrank all the redox and photopolymerization systems as : oxidizing agent is stable (metal acetylacetonates), bidentate ligand is stable, thick (filled) samples can be polymerized and photoactivation can enhance surface curing and polymerization rates. Due to the high potential versatility of the new peroxide-free initiation systems, this project is useful for : i) a better understanding of the key factors governing the reactivity and the chemical mechanisms is urgently needed and ii) for the development of an organic peroxide-free approach. In this context, the industrial partner (P4) has very recently developed a new methacrylic liquid thermoplastic resin range ( for the manufacture of continuous fiber reinforced composites (CFRC). The development of peroxide-free (photoactivated) redox initiating system should be the next generation of CFRC as well as the photopolymerization in the composite processes for better control of the on-demand activation and fast polymerization.

Coordinator : Jacques LALEVÉE

Scientific leader IS2M : Jacques LALEVÉE

01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023



The ANR project PIMPS3D proposes to investigate photo-Polymerization Induced Microphase Separation (PIMS), with the final objective of orienting this process towards 3D printing. This is a trans-sectorial collaborative project between IS2M in Mulhouse, A Company, and IPREM in Pau.

Coordinator : Jacques LALEVÉE

Scientific leader IS2M : Jacques LALEVÉE

06/01/2020 – 05/01/2024


IR-EMULSION : IR-Photopolymerization in Dispersed Media

The overall aim of the project is to use for the first time Near Infra-Red light (both in the NIR ~ 780 nm and in the SWIR ~ 1300 nm) to initiate photopolymerizations in dispersed media (emulsion and dispersion). We will build on our previous experience in blue-light emulsion photopolymerization on the one hand, and IR-triggered bulk polymerization and nanopatterning on the other hand.

              The combination of the advantages of both dispersed media polymerizations (such as low exposition to volatile organic compounds, low viscosity of the reaction media and of the resulting latexes, high polymerization rates and solids contents[i]) and photo-polymerizations (spatial and temporal control over the reactions, generally fast[ii]) is powerful because the polymerizations could be carried out at room temperature or below, with minor risk of colloidal destabilization and using an external light source provides an external handle to control the polymerizations. In this context, the use of IR would side-step the limitations induced on shorter wavelengths by the light scattering caused by the nanoparticles formed, or by the direct absorption of the latter photons by the polymerization components (e. g. hybrid latexes containing UV-absorbing oxides, or pigments).


Coordinator : Jacques LALEVÉE

Scientific leader IS2M : Jacques LALEVÉE



Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Jean Daou

01/01/2021- 31/12/2024

Séparation des Alcènes des Alcanes à l’aide de Matériaux Microporeux

NOA: Development of New Selective Materials for the Adsorption of Nitrogen Oxides

Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Jean Daou

01/01/2021- 31/12/2024

Development of New Selective Materials for the Adsorption of Nitrogen Oxides


Coordinator :

Scientific leader IS2M : Jean Daou

01/11/2021- 30/04/2025

Photocatalyseurs hybrides pour une chimie radicalaire sélective


Coordinator : Vincent ROUCOULES

Scientific leader IS2M : Jamerson CARNEIRO DE OLIVEIRA

01/02/2023- 31/01/2027

Plasma polymerization offers the possibility to deposit polymeric functional thin films in many substrates. It is a solventless process that could be powered by renewable energy, as electricity is its basic demand. That feature, combined with the versatility in terms of precursor selection, offers competitive advantages when compared to other techniques of surface modification with polymeric thin films. Potential applications of plasma polymerization have mainly focused on smooth thin films. Although smooth surfaces are undoubtedly of interest for many applications, the range of applications of that process could be broadened by the exploration of other surface morphologies. Plasma polymerization, under certain conditions, can also allow the formation of spontaneous nanostructures on a substrate. However, that aspect remains poorly reported and investigated. Those nanostructures are believed to be the result of nucleation and different growth modes on the substrate. According to the precursor used for the deposition, they can present different chemical functionalities. That means that processes of surface nanostructuration and functionalization occur simultaneously. The studies performed so far indicate that selected isolated variables can influence the nanostructures formation and growth. However, a comprehensive study of the variables involved on that process has not been performed yet. The understanding of that process can ultimately lead to the possibility of directing the nanostructures formation and growth, transforming an initially random process to a controlled one. In SPON-TO-CTRL, we propose a study of important variables in order to isolate their effect on the nanostructures formation. In addition, the final goal of the project is to use that knowledge to drive the orientation of the nanostructures, opening up a door for the possibility of a nanopatterning process through plasma polymerization.


MUST IMPLANT : Multiscale Smart Texturing of Medical Implants

Coordinator : Maxence BIGERELLE

Scientific leader IS2M : Karine ANSELME

01/10/2022 – 30/09/2026

The MUST Implant project brings together 4 academic research laboratories which pool their skills for innovating a new concept in the field of surface science : the Multiscale Smart Texturing. Taking account quantitatively a huge set of data met in the bibliography, the concept consists in designing optimal functional surface thanks to an original methodology based on a new Knowledge Management tool. This generic surface texturing approach will be applied in the field of smart texturing of endosseous implants for increasing their performance and safety. The 25 years’ collaboration of 2 academic partners of this project and their advanced understanding of the influence of surface topography on bone cells will allow them to design optimal topographies. After manufacturing of implants with these optimal topographies through innovative Femtolaser-based manufacturing techniques, they will be mechanically, chemically and biologically tested to provide proof-of-concepts and validated osteoconductive topographies at the end of the project.


SAFE Silicone IMPLANTS : Towards Zero-migrating, Zero-impact Silicone Products

Coordinator : Karine ANSELME

Scientific leader IS2M : Karine ANSELME

01/10/2022 – 31/08/2026

Since the last two decades, use of silicone implants have expanded significantly especially in the field of plastic surgery. Most silicone implants are composed of a solid cross-linked silicone elastomer shell and a liquid gel filling containing a mixture of low-molecular-weight silicone fluids. Regardless of the implant’s location and type, a broad spectrum of chronic inflammatory-related diseases has been observed after implantation. Even without sign of rupture, implant biocompatibility is challenged by the presence of silicone liquid droplets and solid debris diffusing to the periprosthetic tissue, a fibrotic capsule surrounding the implant as a result of the foreign body reaction. Evidence supports the major role played by permeation-driven flow of silicone and platinum (Pt) catalyst species through the shell membrane. The PRCE ANR project SAFE-IMPLANT will achieve a clear understanding of which silicone and Pt species are able to permeate through a silicone elastomer membrane (shell) and their specific immune response. Through this knowledge-based approach, we will develop a new generation gel-filled silicone implant preventing the leaching of toxic species (zero-migration) into the tissue or releasing only products with minimal inflammatory impact (zero-impact). Our inter-disciplinary research consortium consists of the Institut Européen des Membranes (IEM) at Montpellier and the Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M) with recognized expertise in membrane permeation and cellular interactions of silicone material, respectively. They will work in collaboration with the research-intensive SME STATICE at Besançon specialized in the engineering and design of medical silicone devices.

HipoHyBat : High Power Hybrid Na-ion Batteries

HipoHyBat : High Power Hybrid Na-ion Batteries

Coordinator : Thierry Brousse (IMN)

Scientific leader IS2M : Camélia GHIMBEU

01/01/2023 – 31/12/2028

HipoHyBat is one of the targeted projects of the PEPR Batteries project, led by CEA and CNRS. The PEPR Batterie project is supported by the France 2023 investment plan and its objective is to support research and innovation for the development of future generations of batteries.
The HipoHyBat project is led by Nantes Materials Institute (IMN) and brings together 8 CNRS laboratories and 3 CEA institutes. The project aims to develop two high power density battery technologies. The first is based on sodium-ion technology and aims to make it more durable, safer and increase energy and power densities. The second technology is supercapacitors. The project aims to develop hybrid batteries with higher energy density than lead-acid batteries, capable of recharging in one minute with a lifetime of more than 50,000 cycles. Their design is based on the preparation of new positive and negative electrode materials and innovative electrolytes, all based on sustainable elements and eco-friendly synthesis processes. The Carbon and Hybrid Materials (CMH) team of Material Science Institute of Mulhouse (IS2M) is involved in two tasks, aiming at the optimization of hard carbon anodes for Na-ion batteries and of porous carbon cathodes for Na-ion capacitors.

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